
Lessons from Irma and Harvey: Time for Transition to Resilient Renewable-Energy Microgrids

hurricane grid failure

Our out-of-date fossil-fuel-based infrastructure is failing a world where climate change is bringing more frequent, more extreme, more intense weather to the planet. And the lesson, if we are smart enough to learn it, is that as long as we’re dependent on fossil fuels, these weather events and other related disasters will wreak long-lasting havoc on human lives, the economy, and on the environment.

HOMER Energy News Highlights, Week Ended May 27

*Philadelphia Navy Yard, Credit: Microgridprojects.com

Microgrids for California multi-family housing, Kenyan rural communities and U.S. military bases feature among this week’s distributed clean energy news highlights.

Can Boulder own its own power? Lots happening in distributed generation today

As the distributed generation field expands, there is more news than this editor can handle in one day! Today’s #1 story relates to our home town of Boulder, […]

Microgrids in the News 04/14/2011

  Netherlands tests automated-energy homes Solar Powered Washing Machine Knows When Sun Shines Smart Grid Works for Utilities, but Not Yet for Consumers U.S. Army Uses Big Battery […]

Microgrids in the News 04/12/2011

  How Denmark Will Integrate 50% Wind Power by 2025 11% of U.S. Energy Production from Renewable Resources in 2010 Studies Say Natural Gas Has Its Own Environmental […]