Electric Vehicle Battery Power Could Offset Residential Peak in Southern California Utility

A Southern California Edison study last fall found that simulated vehicle-to-grid charging by only 10 percent of customers could offset the utility’s entire residential peak load. While rapid growth of EV ownership is on track to put unprecedented stress on utility resources, the study suggests that using EVs as a “virtual power plant” can lessen the impact:

HOMER Tip: Using the new proposal creator in HOMER Grid

HOMER Grid has a new proposal creation feature that will help project developers create professional reports in a few clicks. Learn how to use this new feature to boost client confidence and sell distributed energy projects to partners and financiers. Learn how to create powerful, data rich presentations of your HOMER Grid modeling results with this tip:

“Agrivoltaics,” a win-win strategy combining solar and agriculture

Competing land use priorities have pitted farmers and renewable energy developers against each other. As solar deployment grows rapidly, those conflicts could become more common. But, innovations with dual-use solar projects can create wins for both agriculture and clean energy, as well as new revenue streams for financially strapped family farmers. Call it “agrivoltaics:”

California presses ahead with new microgrid plans

Unpopular power shutoffs to curb fire danger, and the catastrophic human and financial impact of wildfires is spurring California to move towards rapid development of microgrids. Now 20 new microgrids are slated for completion by the fall of 2020. The tribal microgrid at Blue Lake Rancheria demonstrates how these local power networks can continue to provide electricity when the main grid is down, saving lives and delivering emergency services:

UL Solutions Acquires HOMER Energy

UL, a global safety science leader, announced the acquisition of Boulder, Colorado-based HOMER Energy, the world leader in modeling and optimization software for microgrids. The acquisition combines UL’s experience and recognized thought leadership in solar, wind and battery technology with HOMER Energy’s system design capabilities. HOMER Energy employees will join UL’s existing Energy and Power Technologies Division:

Distributed Energy Perspectives: Former CO Governor Bill Ritter

At the recent Distributed Energy conference in Denver, CO, keynote speaker Bill Ritter highlighted the actions of state governments, which he says are the leaders in forward-thinking clean energy policy. Transportation should be the next target for reducing carbon emissions, Ritter says, and states should be promoting renewable energy for rural Americans:

What is the value of resilience?

Microgrids and grid-tied distributed energy investments can improve resilience for electricity customers – even entire communities. But so far, determining the value of that resilience has proven to be elusive. At the recent Distributed Energy Conference in Denver, speakers discussed ways to view the value of resilience in both economic and human terms:

Distributed Energy Development is Progressing in the Caribbean

The Caribbean is one of the world’s fastest growing markets for renewable energy – partly because of the need for resilience in the face of increasingly destructive storms. HOMER Energy CEO Dr. Peter Lilienthal and VP of Business Development Andy Kruse recently attended two important conferences that focus on Caribbean distributed energy. They noted many new, high-quality projects underway, and they share their observations with us: