The latest release of HOMER Grid (1.7) has an important new feature designed to enhance client communication. The new proposal creation feature allows users to generate attractive, comprehensive reports documenting HOMER Grid modeling results in a few clicks.
These reports present powerful documentation of the cost savings that you – or your clients – can achieve by investing in distributed renewable energy systems. They distill, clarify and illustrate the complex factors that underlie investment decisions about these systems. And, they do it rapidly.
Use HOMER Grid to turn your pre-feasibility studies into solid results:
- Win new projects:
Our well-designed proposal tool extracts just the right amount of detail and highlights the key points of the project.
- Boost client confidence:
Let your current clients know the value of their project and how it’s likely to perform, both in terms of engineering and financial outcomes.
- Sell more renewable energy solutions:
Data rich presentations created by the HOMER Grid proposal tool speak powerfully to engineers, financiers, utility executives, renewable energy developers, construction experts and other partners.
- Stand out from the competition:
Communicate your company’s expertise and diligence through well-designed, professionally designed reports.
To learn more about the proposal tool, please see instructions on the manual about:
>> Client Proposal Report
>> Engineer Detail Report
Don’t keep your HOMER Grid results to yourself. Share them with your colleagues!

UL Solutions HOMER Grid is a market-leading solar-plus-storage software tool for designing grid-tied distributed energy systems. With an integrated utility tariff database and a new module for electric vehicle charging stations, it optimizes peak shaving to help commercial and industrial utility customers lower their demand charges. HOMER Grid can model projects with wind and combined heat and power as well as islanded systems, helping users improve their resiliency. Explore your opportunities with HOMER Grid during a complimentary trial. Learn more and download your complimentary trial.
I agree that HOMER Grid is a market-leading. It rapidly performs complex calculations to compare multiple components and design outcomes, identify points at which different technologies become cost-competitive, and consider various options for minimizing project risk and reducing energy expenditures.
Thank you for this comment John.
All the best,
Lili Francklyn