Electric Vehicle Battery Power Could Offset Residential Peak in Southern California Utility

A Southern California Edison study last fall found that simulated vehicle-to-grid charging by only 10 percent of customers could offset the utility’s entire residential peak load. While rapid growth of EV ownership is on track to put unprecedented stress on utility resources, the study suggests that using EVs as a “virtual power plant” can lessen the impact:

Power Pricing in the Renewable Age

HOMER Energy CEO Dr. Peter Lilienthal discusses changes we might make in the ways we price utility power as renewable energy provides a larger proportion of our electricity. How should energy pricing be used to incentivize the use of clean energy, energy conservation and dispatch of electricity at the most efficient times? What role will microgrids play in the transition?

Communicating the Value of Renewable Energy Projects is Easier with HOMER Grid Version 1.7

The new version of HOMER Grid 1.7 features a proposal generating tool that allows designers of hybrid distributed energy systems to produce presentation-ready reports that demonstrate how renewable energy improvements will help reduce the overall cost of energy. The software has the ability to quickly create streamlined, graphics-driven proposals that communicate system modeling results to both technical and non-technical audiences and effectively convey the project’s value to customers.

Webinar: The HOMER Grid Proposal Tool is Here

Join HOMER Energy Product Manager, Steffi Klawiter, and Associate Product Manager, Aarabi Madhavan, for an in-depth look at the brand new HOMER Grid Proposal Tool that generates robust, presentation ready reports based on your hybrid energy system model data in seconds! Join us to see multiple examples demonstrating how you can create a polished proposal for your HOMER Grid project.

HOMER Tip: Using the new proposal creator in HOMER Grid

HOMER Grid has a new proposal creation feature that will help project developers create professional reports in a few clicks. Learn how to use this new feature to boost client confidence and sell distributed energy projects to partners and financiers. Learn how to create powerful, data rich presentations of your HOMER Grid modeling results with this tip:

“Agrivoltaics,” a win-win strategy combining solar and agriculture

Competing land use priorities have pitted farmers and renewable energy developers against each other. As solar deployment grows rapidly, those conflicts could become more common. But, innovations with dual-use solar projects can create wins for both agriculture and clean energy, as well as new revenue streams for financially strapped family farmers. Call it “agrivoltaics:”

HOMER Energy is now part of UL

You may have heard that HOMER Energy was recently acquired by UL. That prompted HOMER Energy CEO Dr. Peter Lilienthal to think about the history of the company, its roots in the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory and its recent evolution into a globally recognized tool for the trusted design of distributed renewable energy systems.

California presses ahead with new microgrid plans

Unpopular power shutoffs to curb fire danger, and the catastrophic human and financial impact of wildfires is spurring California to move towards rapid development of microgrids. Now 20 new microgrids are slated for completion by the fall of 2020. The tribal microgrid at Blue Lake Rancheria demonstrates how these local power networks can continue to provide electricity when the main grid is down, saving lives and delivering emergency services:

Darwin’s Finches: The race to decarbonize an ecological treasure

The Galápagos Islands are among the world’s most unique and climate-vulnerable ecosystems. Now engineers from the Instituto de Energía Solar of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (IES-UPM) are using HOMER Pro to improve the local energy systems. They will be increasing renewable resources and reducing the use of diesel fuel through optimization of a key island microgrid: