Join HOMER Energy CEO Dr. Peter Lilienthal and Alex De Broe, CEO of Xant Wind Power to examine HOMER Pro use cases combining wind and solar, which are often complimentary in hybrid renewable distributed energy systems.
XANT is a manufacturer of midsize (50-500kW) turbines for the microgrid and off-grid markets. XANT turbines are designed with rural-electrification applications in mind and with a special focus on remote areas and harsh operating conditions. They have Just Enough Essential Parts (JEEP!), fit in 40ft containers, and can be erected without a crane. For deployment in typhoon-prone areas the turbines can be lowered to the ground, also facilitating the maintenance. XANT turbines have the capability of active power curtailment and can be equipped with integrated energy storage to allow for high renewable penetration.
The extreme simplicity, easy maintenance, silent operation, and low cost of ownership make XANT turbines ideally suited for wind power on remote locations and close to the consumer.
The XANT product portfolio consist of the XANT M (100kW) and the XANT L (330kW) – commercially available in 2019- platforms. Both turbine types exist in Class Ia (average wind speeds up to 10m/s) and Class IIIa (7.5m/s) executions; for extremely cold areas the XANT M ETR (Extended Temperature Range) version is available.
Visit partner website: http://www.XANT.com

Thanks, really it is a beneficial presentation.
Thank you for the feedback Mr. Abdulmula.
Lili Francklyn
This is great opportunity to thank your efforts of improve performance combining wind and solar.
Thank you Dr. Kareem,
We appreciate your interest. We welcome you to tune into our next webinar about HOMER Grid and grid-tied distributed energy systems February 21 at 10:30 MST.
Lili Francklyn