dc microgrids

Microgrid News Weekly: Focus on Africa — February 17, 2017


BBC lists SteamaCo’s electricity grids as top African product to watch in 2017…Bangladesh Emerges as a Hotbed for Solar Microgrids…New Jersey Moves Forward with First Ever Rail Microgrid Project & more microgrid news highlights January 5, 2017

After a Millenium, Remote Himalayan Monastery Turns on the Lights

himalayan solar microgrids

Recently, a group of volunteer engineers from around the world: Australia, Chile, Greece, Holland, Luxembourg, Nepal, Slovakia, South Africa, the U.S. and the UK, trekked to Lingshed to bring light to this remote village by installing 14 Himalayan solar microgrids to its monastery — one of the world’s oldest, its school dormitories, and a computer lab/internet cafe.