Time: 05:00 PM – 06:30 PM
Date: Aug 18, 2021
Location: Online
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14 months ago, many spotlights were turned towards the African healthcare sector and its terrible lack of electrification. Not being able to store and administer the COVID vaccine in Africa could deter all other global efforts in fighting the pandemic. Several programs were then launched to solve the issue of electrification at healthcare facilities and many experts had their opinion about what was the right way forward.
Fast-forward 14 months later, there are significantly less discussions and articles about electrifying the African healthcare infrastructure. But the problem persists and only a few healthcare facilities got access to electricity. Several emergency programs have disappeared as fast as they were announced and there still is an amazing work to be done to provide Africa with the most basic access to electricity and healthcare. But there are solutions, efficient, readily available and totally affordable! This webinar intends to highlight several initiatives and solutions which can significantly improve the access to electricity for the healthcare sector in Africa and deserve a lot more attention.
In this webinar we will:
- discuss how it could actually take only $50M to electrify half of Africa’s healthcare facilities to address the 2 major pain points of rural doctors
- present a tool that helps public officials and solar professionals precisely size the required solar installation for any kind of healthcare facility depending on the medical equipment available and used
- present the new approach of international aid agencies to speed up healthcare electrification by adapting to and aligning with the needs of private solar companies across the continent
During this webinar you will get great insights from the following panelists:
- Peter Lilienthal, creator of HOMER and Global Microgrid Lead at UL
- Anshul Gaur, Director of Marketing & Grants at d.light
- Gil Karie, Director of Innovation at Ignite Power
- Abudullah Al Kulaib, Regional Specialist at UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Africa
This event will be of particular interest to:
- Government officials in charge of healthcare
- Health practicians
- Aid agencies
- African solar installers and developers
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Dr. Peter Lilienthal
Dr. Peter Lilienthal is Global Microgrid Lead for UL, LLC. Previously, he was the CEO of HOMER Energy. Since 1992, he has been the developer of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s HOMER® hybrid power optimization software, which has been used by over 250,000 energy practitioners in 193 countries. NREL licensed HOMER Energy to be the sole world-wide commercialization licensee to distribute and enhance the HOMER model.
Dr. Lilienthal was the Senior Economist with International Programs at NREL from 1990 – 2007. He was one of the creators of NREL’s Village Power Program. He has a Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University. He has been active in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency since 1978. This has included designing and teaching courses at the university level, project development of independent power projects, and consulting to industry and regulators. His expertise is in the economic and financial analysis of renewable and micro-grid projects.
HOMER software delivers industry-leading system simulations, optimization, sensitivity analysis and best-in-class storage models across three categories of hybrid systems: islanded microgrids, grid-connected distributed generation, and front-of-the-meter utility-scale storage and hybrid systems.
Learn More
Visit UL Solutions HOMER® software to learn more about HOMER Pro, HOMER Grid and HOMER Front modeling and optimization software, download complimentary trials, sign up for training and explore our extensive knowledge base and other support documents.